Source code for bayesian_networks.models

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
from importlib import import_module
from collections import Counter
from pickle import HIGHEST_PROTOCOL as pickle_HIGHEST_PROTOCOL

import matplotlib

from graphviz import Digraph
import numpy as np
import bayespy as bp

from django.db import models
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.utils import timezone
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

from picklefield.fields import PickledObjectField
from jsonfield import JSONField

from .utils import (parse_node_args, )
if 'DJANGO_TEST' in os.environ:
    from django_ai.base.models import StatisticalModel
    from django_ai.bayesian_networks import bayespy_constants as bp_consts
else: # pragma: no cover
    from base.models import StatisticalModel
    from bayesian_networks import bayespy_constants as bp_consts

[docs]class BayesianNetwork(StatisticalModel): """ Main object of a Bayesian Network. It gathers all Nodes and Edges of the DAG that defines the Network and provides an interface for performing and resetting the inference and related objects. See base.StatisticalTechnique for the fields and methods already included. """ _alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" _eo_meta_iterations = {} BN_TYPE_GENERAL = 0 BN_TYPE_CLUSTERING = 1 # Legacy support of constants TYPE_CLUSTERING = BN_TYPE_CLUSTERING TYPE_GENERAL = BN_TYPE_GENERAL NETWORK_TYPE_CHOICES = ( (BN_TYPE_GENERAL, "General"), (BN_TYPE_CLUSTERING, "Clustering"), ) ACTIONS_KEYWORDS = [":recalculate", ] network_type = models.SmallIntegerField(choices=NETWORK_TYPE_CHOICES, default=BN_TYPE_GENERAL, blank=True, null=True) image = models.ImageField("Image", blank=True, null=True) class Meta: verbose_name = "Bayesian Network" verbose_name_plural = "Bayesian Networks" def __str__(self): return("[BN: {0}]".format( def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # Initialize metadata field if corresponds if self.metadata == {}: if self.network_type == self.BN_TYPE_CLUSTERING: self.metadata["clusters_labels"] = {} self.metadata["prev_clusters_labels"] = {} self.metadata["clusters_means"] = {} self.metadata["prev_clusters_means"] = {} self.metadata["clusters_sizes"] = {} self.metadata["prev_clusters_sizes"] = {} self.metadata["columns"] = [] # Defaults the engine iterations if corresponds if not self.engine_iterations: self.engine_iterations = 1000 # Runs threshold actions if corresponds self.parse_and_run_threshold_actions() super(BayesianNetwork, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_and_run_threshold_actions(self): if self.counter_threshold: if self.counter_threshold <= self.counter: self.counter = 0 actions = self.threshold_actions.split(" ") for action in actions: if action == ":recalculate": self.perform_inference(recalculate=True) return(True) else: return(False)
def get_graph(self): dot = Digraph( nodes = self.nodes.all() for node in nodes: dot.node(, edges = self.edges.all() for edge in edges: # Pending: debug constraint param dot.edge(str(, str( return(dot) def get_raw_network_image(self): dot = self.get_graph() dot.format = "png" return ContentFile(dot.pipe()) def update_image(self): if self.image: self.image.delete() image_name = "{0}/{1}".format( os.path.join("django_ai", "bayesian_networks"), + ".png"), self.get_raw_network_image()) def get_nodes_names(self): return(self.nodes.all().values_list("name", flat=True))
[docs] def get_engine_object(self, reconstruct=False, propagate=True, save=True): """ Constructs the Engine Objects of all Nodes in the Network for initializing the Inference Engine of the Network. This is the method that should be called for initializing the EOs of the Nodes, as it handle the dependencies correctly and then propagate them to the Nodes' objects. CAVEAT: You might have to call 'node.refresh_from_db()' if for some reason the Nodes are already retrieved before this method is ran. """ if self.engine_object and not reconstruct: return(self.engine_object) nodes = self.nodes.all() # Initialize the "EOs Struct" - a structure needed for keeping the # same Python Objects in order to correctly initialize the BP's # Inference Engine. # {node_name: {django_model:, engine_object:}} eos_struct = { {"dm": n, "eo": None} for n in nodes} # Root nodes have no problem getting their engine object and serve # as the recursion base step root_nodes = { {"dm": n, "eo": n.get_engine_object(reconstruct=reconstruct) } for n in nodes if not n.parents()} # Update with the root nodes eos_struct.update(root_nodes) # Child nodes are "intermediate" nodes and "final" ones ("leafs" in # trees). These are the ones that need the EOs Struct for recursion child_nodes = [n for n in nodes if n.parents()] for cn in child_nodes: eos_struct = BayesianNetwork.update_eos_struct(eos_struct, cn) # Collect the EOs nodes_eos = [] for node in eos_struct: nodes_eos.append(eos_struct[node]["eo"]) # Initialize the BP's Inference Engine self.engine_object = bp.inference.VB(*nodes_eos) # Propagate to the network if propagate: for node in eos_struct: eos_struct[node]["dm"].engine_object = self.engine_object[node] # Save the BN and its nodes if save: self.engine_object_timestamp = if propagate: for node in eos_struct: eos_struct[node]["dm"].save() return(self.engine_object)
[docs] def perform_inference(self, iters=None, recalculate=False, save=True): """ Retrieves the Engine Object of the Network, performs the inference and propagates the results to the Nodes. """ if not self.engine_object or recalculate: # If iters is not set, first use e_i, then default to 1000 if not iters: if self.engine_iterations: iters = self.engine_iterations else: # Default to 1000 iters = 1000 # Run the inference 'e_m_i' times for i in range(self.engine_meta_iterations): Q = self.get_engine_object(reconstruct=True) # Run the inference Q.update(repeat=iters) # Save the result in the internal variable self._eo_meta_iterations[i] = {"eo": Q, "L": max(Q.L)} # Use the eo with the highest likelihood hl_eo = max(self._eo_meta_iterations, key=lambda x: self._eo_meta_iterations[x]["L"]) self.engine_object = self._eo_meta_iterations[hl_eo]["eo"] if save: self.engine_object_timestamp = # Propagate results to the network for node in self.nodes.all(): node.engine_inferred_object = \ self.engine_object[] node.engine_object_timestamp = node.update_image() # Update metadata if self.network_type == self.BN_TYPE_CLUSTERING: self.assign_clusters_labels(save=save) self.columns_names_to_metadata(save=save) self.metadata_update_cluster_sizes(save=save) self.store_results() return(self.engine_object)
def reset_engine_object(self, save=True): """ Resets the Engine Object and timestamp """ self.engine_object = None self.engine_object_timestamp = None self.metadata = {} if save: return(True)
[docs] def reset_inference(self, save=True): """ Resets the Engine Object and timestamp from the Network (the Network object itself and all the Nodes objects in it) """ self.reset_engine_object(save=save) for node in self.nodes.all(): node.reset_inference(save=save) if self.network_type == self.BN_TYPE_CLUSTERING: self.store_results(reset=True) return(True)
def assign_cluster(self, observation): """ If the Network is for Clustering, returns the cluster label for a new observation given the current state of the inference. Assumptions: - The network has a topology of a Gaussian Mixture Model with one Categorical Node for cluster assigments with prior Dirichlet probabilities """ if self.network_type == self.BN_TYPE_CLUSTERING: if not self.is_inferred: return(False) # if not self._clusters_labels: # self.assign_clusters_labels() eo = self.engine_object prior_clusters_probs = self.nodes.get( distribution=bp_consts.DIST_DIRICHLET).engine_inferred_object clusters_means = self.nodes.get( distribution=bp_consts.DIST_GAUSSIAN).engine_inferred_object clusters_cov_matrices = self.nodes.get( distribution=bp_consts.DIST_WISHART).engine_inferred_object # Z_new = bp.nodes.Categorical(prior_clusters_probs) Z_new.initialize_from_random() Y_new = bp.nodes.Mixture(Z_new, bp.nodes.Gaussian, clusters_means, clusters_cov_matrices) Y_new.observe(observation) Q_0 = bp.inference.VB(Z_new, Y_new, *eo.model) Q_0.update(Z_new) cluster_label = self.metadata["clusters_labels"][ str(np.argmax(Z_new.get_moments()[0]))] return(cluster_label) else: return(False) def assign_clusters_labels(self, save=True): """ Filters the clusters and constructs a dict for labelling Assumptions: - The network as a topology of a Gaussian Mixture Model """ clusters_means_node_eo = self.nodes.get( distribution=bp_consts.DIST_GAUSSIAN).engine_inferred_object clusters_means = clusters_means_node_eo.get_moments()[0] # cmean_dim = len(clusters_means[0]) # origin = np.zeros(cmean_dim) filtered_means = list(np.unique(clusters_means, axis=0)) # Sort cluster means by norm filtered_means.sort(key=np.linalg.norm) if not self.metadata["clusters_labels"] == {}: self.metadata["prev_clusters_labels"] = self.metadata[ "clusters_labels"] self.metadata["clusters_labels"] = {} if not self.metadata["clusters_means"] == {}: self.metadata["prev_clusters_means"] = self.metadata[ "clusters_means"] self.metadata["clusters_means"] = {} for index, cm in enumerate(clusters_means): fm_index = np.argwhere(filtered_means == cm)[0][0] cluster_label = self._alphabet[fm_index] self.metadata["clusters_labels"][str(index)] = cluster_label self.metadata["clusters_means"][cluster_label] = cm if save: def columns_names_to_metadata(self, save=True): """ Gets the columns names and stores them in metadata Assumptions: - The network as a topology of a Gaussian Mixture Model """ observations_node = self.nodes.get( distribution=bp_consts.DIST_MIXTURE) columns = observations_node.data_columns.order_by("position") columns_names = columns.values_list("ref_column", flat=True) self.metadata["columns"] = list(columns_names) if save: def metadata_update_cluster_sizes(self, save=True): results = self.get_results() # Move cluster_sizes to prev_c_s if it already existed if not self.metadata["clusters_sizes"] == {}: self.metadata["prev_clusters_sizes"] = self.metadata[ "clusters_sizes"] sizes = dict(Counter(results)) # Add empty clusters for label in self.metadata["clusters_labels"].values(): if label not in sizes: sizes[label] = 0 self.metadata["clusters_sizes"] = sizes if save: def get_results(self): """ Returns a list with the clustering assignation for each observations. Assumptions: - The network as a topology of a Gaussian Mixture Model """ if self.network_type == self.BN_TYPE_CLUSTERING: if not self.is_inferred: return(False) clusters_assig_eo = self.nodes.get( distribution=bp_consts.DIST_CATEGORICAL).engine_inferred_object assignations = [] for assig in clusters_assig_eo.get_moments()[0]: label = self.metadata["clusters_labels"][str(np.argmax(assig))] assignations.append(label) return(assignations) else: return(None) @staticmethod def update_eos_struct(eos_struct, node): """ Auxiliary recursive function to "populate" a "branch" (all the ancestors of the node) of the "EOs Struct" of the Network DAG. By how BayesPy is implemented, this is needed to hold the same objects in order to correctly initialize the BP inference engine ("simple recursion" via Django models does not work, different "branches" may point to different instances of objects, as they are initialized independently) """ parents = [ for p in node.parents()] # Check if the parents' eos are already present, otherwise initialize # them recursively for parent in parents: if not eos_struct[parent]["eo"]: BayesianNetwork.update_eos_struct( eos_struct, eos_struct[parent]["dm"]) # Initialize the Node EO and store it in the matrix eos_struct[]["eo"] = \ node.get_engine_object(parents=eos_struct, reconstruct=True) return(eos_struct) @property def is_inferred(self): return(self.engine_object is not None)
class BayesianNetworkNodeColumn(models.Model): """ A dimension / axis / column of an Observable Bayesian Network Node. """ node = models.ForeignKey("BayesianNetworkNode", on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name="data_columns") ref_model = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE) ref_column = models.CharField("Reference Column", max_length=100) position = models.SmallIntegerField(blank=True, null=True) class Meta: verbose_name = "Bayesian Networks Node Column" verbose_name_plural = "Bayesian Networks Node Columns" unique_together = [("node", "ref_model", "ref_column"), ("node", "position")] def __str__(self): return("{0} | {1} - {2}".format(self.node, self.ref_model, self.ref_column)) def clean(self): # Check the validity of the Reference Column try: mc = self.ref_model.model_class() except Exception: raise ValidationError({'ref_model': _( 'The Reference Model must be a valid Django Model' )}) try: getattr(mc, self.ref_column) except Exception: raise ValidationError({'ref_column': _( 'The column must be a valid attribute of ' 'the ' + + ' model' )}) class BayesianNetworkNode(models.Model): """ A Node in a Bayesian Network """ _engine_object = None # Deprecated? _engine_inferred_object = None _data = None NODE_TYPE_STOCHASTIC = 0 NODE_TYPE_DETERMINISTIC = 1 NODE_TYPE_CHOICES = ( (NODE_TYPE_STOCHASTIC, "Stochastic"), (NODE_TYPE_DETERMINISTIC, "Deterministic"), ) FIELDS_STOCHASTIC = [ "is_observable", "distribution", "distribution_params", "graph_interval" ] FIELDS_DETERMINISTIC = [ "deterministic", "deterministic_params" ] network = models.ForeignKey(BayesianNetwork, related_name="nodes", on_delete=models.CASCADE) name = models.CharField("Node Name", max_length=50) node_type = models.SmallIntegerField("Type", choices=NODE_TYPE_CHOICES, default=NODE_TYPE_STOCHASTIC) is_observable = models.BooleanField("Is Observable?", default=False) distribution = models.CharField("Distribution", max_length=50, choices=bp_consts.DISTRIBUTION_CHOICES, blank=True, null=True) distribution_params = models.CharField("Distribution Parameters", max_length=200, blank=True, null=True) deterministic = models.CharField("Deterministic", max_length=50, choices=bp_consts.DETERMINISTIC_CHOICES, blank=True, null=True) deterministic_params = models.CharField("Deterministic Parameters", max_length=200, blank=True, null=True) engine_object = PickledObjectField(protocol=pickle_HIGHEST_PROTOCOL, blank=True, null=True) engine_object_timestamp = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True) engine_inferred_object = PickledObjectField(blank=True, null=True) engine_inferred_object_timestamp = models.DateTimeField( blank=True, null=True) graph_interval = models.CharField("Graph Interval", max_length=20, blank=True, null=True) image = models.ImageField("Image", blank=True, null=True) def parents(self): """ Returns the Parents of the Node as a QuerySet """ parents_ids = self.child_edges.values_list("parent", flat=True) return(BayesianNetworkNode.objects.filter(id__in=parents_ids)) def children(self): """ Returns the Children of the Node as a QuerySet """ children_ids = self.parent_edges.values_list("child", flat=True) return(BayesianNetworkNode.objects.filter(id__in=children_ids)) def clean(self): error_dict = {} # FIRST STEP: Check there are no fields that don't correspond to # the Node type if self.node_type == self.NODE_TYPE_STOCHASTIC: for field in self.FIELDS_DETERMINISTIC: if getattr(self, field) is not None: error_dict[field] = _( 'Using Deterministic fields on a Stochastic ' 'Node is not allowed') else: for field in self.FIELDS_STOCHASTIC: field_value = getattr(self, field) # For avoiding the use of NullBooleanField in 'is_observable' if field_value is False: field_value = None if field_value is not None: error_dict[field] = _( 'Using Stochastic fields on a Deterministic ' 'Node is not allowed') if error_dict: raise ValidationError(error_dict) # SECOND STEP: Check validity on Stochastic Nodes if self.node_type == self.NODE_TYPE_STOCHASTIC: # Validations on the Distribution of Stochastic Nodes if self.distribution is None: error_dict['distribution'] = _( 'A Stochastic Node must have a distribution') if self.distribution_params is None: error_dict['distribution_params'] = _( 'A Stochastic Node must have a distribution' 'parameters') # Raise if any if error_dict: raise ValidationError(error_dict) # THIRD STEP: Check Validity on Deterministic Nodes else: if self.deterministic is None: error_dict['deterministic'] = _( 'A Deterministic Node must have a function') if self.deterministic_params is None: error_dict['deterministic_params'] = _( 'A Deterministic Node must have deterministic' 'parameters') # Raise if any if error_dict: raise ValidationError(error_dict) # FOURTH STEP: Check args parsing try: params = parse_node_args(self.get_params(), flat=True) except Exception as e: msg = e.args[0] raise ValidationError({ self.get_params_type() + "_params": msg }) # FINAL STEP: Check if the Engine Object (BayesPy) can be initialized # Check only if the Node hasn't other Nodes as params (otherwise the # networkd Edges should have been created already to resolve the names # to Nodes) if not any([isinstance(p, str) for p in params]): try: self.get_engine_object(reconstruct=True, save=False) except Exception as e: msg = e.args[0] raise ValidationError({ "distribution_params": "[BayesPy] " + msg}) # Use StatisticalModel's get_data() instead of defining one of its own get_data = StatisticalModel.get_data def get_params(self): """ Returns the params according to the node type """ if self.node_type == self.NODE_TYPE_STOCHASTIC: return(self.distribution_params) else: return(self.deterministic_params) def get_params_type(self): """ Returns the node type as a string """ if self.node_type == self.NODE_TYPE_STOCHASTIC: return("distribution") else: return("deterministic") def resolve_eos_in_params(self, params=[], kwparams={}, parents={}): """ Resolve Nodes' EOs from names passed in params and kwparams """ error_str = _("Can't resolve name to node" " - maybe Network Edges are missing?") for index, param in enumerate(params): if isinstance(param, str) and not param.startswith(":"): if param in parents: params[index] = parents[param]["eo"] else: # Strings can be only Node names raise ValueError(error_str) for kwparam in kwparams: if (isinstance(kwparams[kwparam], str) and not kwparams[kwparam].startswith(":")): if kwparams[kwparam] in parents: kwparams[kwparam] = parents[kwparam]["eo"] else: # Strings can be only Node names raise ValueError(error_str) return((params, kwparams)) def get_engine_object(self, parents={}, reconstruct=False, save=True): """ Method for initializing the Node's Engine Object (currently BayesPy only). This is meant to be called from the BayesianNetwork object method - BN.get_engine_object() - as it handles all the dependecies of the DAG, passing the proper parents' objects and then propagating the results to the Nodes. Otherwise, if not a root node, you will have to provide the parents. """ if self.engine_object and not reconstruct: return self.engine_object # Parse Params parsed_params = parse_node_args(self.get_params()) params, kwparams = self.resolve_eos_in_params(parsed_params['args'], parsed_params['kwargs'], parents) # Remove Custom Keywords from params custom_keywords = [] for p in params: if isinstance(p, str) and p.startswith(":"): params.remove(p) custom_keywords.append(p) kwparams['name'] = if self.node_type == self.NODE_TYPE_STOCHASTIC: node_distribution = getattr(bp.nodes, self.distribution) # Only assign if plates are not provided on observables if self.is_observable: self._data = self.get_data() if 'plates' not in kwparams: kwparams['plates'] = np.shape(self._data) else: if 'plates' in kwparams: # Process Custom Keywords in plates length = kwparams['plates'][0] if isinstance(length, str) and length.startswith(":dl"): node =[4:]) length = node.get_data().shape[0] if len(kwparams['plates']) == 2: kwparams['plates'] = (length, kwparams['plates'][1]) else: kwparams['plates'] = (length, ) if ":noplates" in custom_keywords: del(kwparams['plates']) # Initialize the BP Node self.engine_object = node_distribution(*params, **kwparams) # and if it is observable, load the data if self.is_observable: data = self.get_data() self.engine_object.observe(data) # Initializate from random if requested if ":ifr" in custom_keywords: self.engine_object.initialize_from_random() else: # Deterministic Type node_deterministic_fun = getattr(bp.nodes, self.deterministic) # Initialize the BP Node self.engine_object = node_deterministic_fun(*params, **kwparams) if save: self.engine_object_timestamp = return(self.engine_object) def get_engine_inferred_object(self, recalculate=False, save=True): Q = self.engine_inferred_object = Q[] if save: self.engine_inferred_object_timestamp = return(self.engine_inferred_object) def reset_engine_object(self, save=True): self.engine_object = None self.engine_object_timestamp = None if save: return(True) def reset_inference(self, save=True): self.engine_inferred_object = None self.engine_inferred_object_timestamp = None self.image.delete() if save: return(True) def update_image(self): if (not self.engine_inferred_object or not self.node_type == self.NODE_TYPE_STOCHASTIC): return False if self.image: self.image.delete() image_name = "{0}/{1}".format( os.path.join("django_ai", "bayesian_networks"), + "_" + + ".png") save = False if self.distribution == bp_consts.DIST_GAUSSIAN_ARD: if not self.graph_interval: return(False) a, b = self.graph_interval.split(", ") bp.plot.pdf(self.engine_inferred_object, np.linspace(float(a), float(b), num=100), bp.plot.pyplot.savefig(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/' + image_name) bp.plot.pyplot.close() save = True elif self.distribution == bp_consts.DIST_MIXTURE: if self.data_columns.count() == 2: bp.plot.gaussian_mixture_2d( self.engine_inferred_object, scale=2) bp.plot.pyplot.savefig(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + '/' + image_name) bp.plot.pyplot.close() save = True if save: self.image = image_name def __str__(self): return(str( + " - " + class Meta: unique_together = ["network", "name", ] class BayesianNetworkEdge(models.Model): """ An Edge between Bayesian Network Nodes """ parent = models.ForeignKey(BayesianNetworkNode, related_name="parent_edges", on_delete=models.CASCADE) child = models.ForeignKey(BayesianNetworkNode, related_name="child_edges", on_delete=models.CASCADE) network = models.ForeignKey(BayesianNetwork, related_name="edges", on_delete=models.CASCADE) description = models.CharField("Description", max_length=50) def __str__(self): return(self.description) def save(self, *args, **kwargs): = super(BayesianNetworkEdge, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def update_bn_image(sender, **kwargs): kwargs['instance'].network.update_image() post_save.connect(update_bn_image, sender=BayesianNetworkNode)